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Bobfire Night-fireworks display-熱淚盈眶


   為什麼今晚要放這麼多美麗的煙花呢?因為今晚是Bonfire Night(Guy Fawkes Night)—— 英國的傳統節日“篝火之夜”。每年的11 月 5 號晚上,英國各地都會點上篝火,火上燒著填充著草和紙、穿著舊衣服的假人,燃放煙花,吃著太妃糖、姜汁面包、烤土豆,在室外度過一個狂歡之夜,借以慶祝 1605 年炸毀議會建築陰謀的失敗。

   這一節日的由來,要追溯到400多年前的1605年。當時的國王詹姆新一世(James I)是新教徒,統治著整個英格蘭和蘇格蘭。由於宗教對立的因素,之前居於統治地位的天主教徒們受到了殘酷的迫害;此外,詹姆斯蘇格蘭人的身份,也引起了一些英格蘭人的仇視。一批天主教徒便秘密策劃殺害詹姆新一世,他們將36桶火藥秘密地運到倫敦議會大廈之下,計劃於11月5日在國王召集會議時引爆炸藥。不幸的是同謀者之一不經意間的一封信導致整個計劃的洩露。11月4日,國王的手下查到了火藥所在,抓獲了看守火藥的蓋伊福克斯(Guy Fawkes)。福克斯後來經過審判後被處死,其同黨均在圍捕中被殺死。此後,每年的11月5日期間,人們便點起篝火,燃燒代表福克斯的假人,以紀念這一事件。

轉一篇BBC關於Bonfire Night的文章:

“Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot!”

That rhyme is repeated by children in Britain to remember why, every year on 5th November, many British people celebrate Bonfire Night.

They might celebrate at home in their gardens, by building a bonfire and letting off Fireworks. Young children like to light sparklers and wave them.

There are also many organised firework displays in public areas – a huge bonfire is built and there will usually be a long firework display with big, colourful Fireworks like bangers, rockets, and Catherine wheels.

This festival falls in Autumn when the weather is quite cold, so people watch the Fireworks and eat hot food to keep them warm – hot dogs or jacket potatoes for example and you might drink mulled wine or hot chocolate.

So why do British people do this? Well, on November 5th, 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes trIEd to blow up the British Houses of Parliament with gunpowder.

He wanted to get revenge on the King at that time for his lack oftolerance towards Catholics. However, the plot was discovered and Guy Fawkes was caught and executed for treason.

It was then that the tradition of Bonfire Night began. People started to have bonfires to celebrate the safety of the King because he wasn’t blown up. November 5th is also known as Guy Fawkes’ Night.

People would burn effigIEs of Guy Fawkes and even today, people make dummIEs of Guy Fawkes to burn, which are called ‘the Guy’. Children still wheel their dummIEs through the streets, knocking on people’s doors and asking for ‘a penny for the Guy’ to earn some money.

The origins of the festival have much less importance today but it remains a fun and exciting night for children and adults alike. But if you’re lighting Fireworks, then be careful!

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