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html5 application cache遇到的嚴重問題
在我們的3G版網站的項目中使用了Html5/">Html5 application cache,將大部分圖片資源、JS、CSS等靜態資源放在manifest文件中。 

沒想到上線第一天就遇到了嚴重問題:application cache會默認緩存當前頁面!!!就算我們有如下設置: 


也就是說,對於所有的動態頁面,application cache會緩存起來,用戶怎麼刷新都是老的! 




Do not use appcache unless it is REALLY 100% EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO DO 
Even if it IS 100% EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, *DO NOT* use appcache until you are 100% CERTAIN that you are not going to make a single change to that page (or any file that it links to) for a LONG time. 
Delete the manifest file from the server -- if the browser can't find the manifest file, then it will clear its cache... ...this will also turn caching off for everyone. 
Don't turn it on again until it's 100% CORRECT 
Dealing with appcache is miserable, often. 
解決辦法很簡單,在服務器端刪除掉manifest文件,並且慎用application cache 

當然,也有辦法是用application cache,同時能繞過自動緩存當前頁面的問題。那就是用iframe
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