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C++ model - OO, OB

The C++ programming model directly supports three programming paradigms:

  1. The procedural model as programmed in C, and, of course, supported within C++. An example of this is string manipulation using character arrays and the family of str* functions defined in the Standard C library:

    char boy[] = "Danny"; 
    char *p_son; 
    p_son = new char[ strlen( boy ) + 1 ]; 
    strcpy( p_son, boy ); 
    if ( !strcmp( p_son, boy )) 
       take_to_disneyland( boy ); 

  2. The abstract data type (ADT) model in which users of the abstraction are provided with a set of Operations (the public interface), while the implementation remains hidden. An example of this is a String class:

    String girl = "Anna"; 
    String daughter; 
    // String::operator=(); 
    daughter = girl; 
    // String::Operator==(); 
    if ( girl == daughter ) 
       take_to_disneyland( girl ); 

  3. The object-orIEnted (OO) model in which a collection of related types are encapsulated through an abstract base class providing a common interface. An example of this is a Library_materials class from which actual subtypes such as Book, Video, Compact_Disc, Puppet, and Laptop are derived:

    check_in( Library_materials *pmat ) 
       if ( pmat->late() ) 
       if ( Lender *plend = pmat->reserved() ) 
            pmat->notify( plend ); 

C++ supports polymorphism through class pointers and references. This style of programming is called object-orIEnted.
C++ also supports a concrete ADT style of programming now called object-based (OB)—nonpolymorphic data types, such as a String class.

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