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 DIV+CSS佈局教程網 >> 網頁腳本 >> JavaScript入門知識 >> JavaScript綜合知識 >> js實現時間顯示幾天前、幾小時前或者幾分鐘前的方法集錦




  個人做法是保存時間戳,然後在前端用jq插件做轉換,比如 smart-time-ago





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <#macro timeline_dt datetime=.now> <#assign ct = (.now?long-datetime?long)/1000> <#if ct gte 31104000><#--n年前-->${(ct/31104000)?int}年前 <#t><#elseif ct gte 2592000><#--n月前-->${(ct/2592000)?int}個月前 <#t><#elseif ct gte 86400*2><#--n天前-->${(ct/86400)?int}天前 <#t><#elseif ct gte 86400><#--1天前-->昨天 <#t><#elseif ct gte 3600><#--n小時前-->${(ct/3600)?int}小時前 <#t><#elseif ct gte 60><#--n分鐘前-->${(ct/60)?int}分鐘前 <#t><#elseif ct gt 0><#--n秒前-->${ct?int}秒前 <#t><#else>剛剛 </#if> </#macro>




1 2 3 4 public static void main(String[] args) { PrettyTime p = new PrettyTime(); System.out.println(p.format(DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), 2))); }




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 private final static long minute = 60 * 1000;// 1分鐘 private final static long hour = 60 * minute;// 1小時 private final static long day = 24 * hour;// 1天 private final static long month = 31 * day;// 月 private final static long year = 12 * month;// 年 /** * 返回文字描述的日期 * * @param date * @return */ public static String getTimeFormatText(Date date) { if (date == null) { return null; } long diff = new Date().getTime() - date.getTime(); long r = 0; if (diff > year) { r = (diff / year); return r + "年前"; } if (diff > month) { r = (diff / month); return r + "個月前"; } if (diff > day) { r = (diff / day); return r + "天前"; } if (diff > hour) { r = (diff / hour); return r + "個小時前"; } if (diff > minute) { r = (diff / minute); return r + "分鐘前"; } return "剛剛"; }




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 // Smart Time Ago v0.1.0 // Copyright 2012, Terry Tai, Pragmatic.ly // https://pragmatic.ly/ // Licensed under the MIT license. // https://github.com/pragmaticly/smart-time-ago/blob/master/LICENSE (function() { var TimeAgo; TimeAgo = (function() { function TimeAgo(element, options) { this.startInterval = 60000; this.init(element, options); } TimeAgo.prototype.init = function(element, options) { this.$element = $(element); this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.timeago.defaults, options); this.updateTime(); return this.startTimer(); }; TimeAgo.prototype.startTimer = function() { var self; self = this; return this.interval = setInterval((function() { return self.refresh(); }), this.startInterval); }; TimeAgo.prototype.stopTimer = function() { return clearInterval(this.interval); }; TimeAgo.prototype.restartTimer = function() { this.stopTimer(); return this.startTimer(); }; TimeAgo.prototype.refresh = function() { this.updateTime(); return this.updateInterval(); }; TimeAgo.prototype.updateTime = function() { var self; self = this; return this.$element.findAndSelf(this.options.selector).each(function() { var timeAgoInWords; timeAgoInWords = self.timeAgoInWords($(this).attr(self.options.attr)); return $(this).html(timeAgoInWords); }); }; TimeAgo.prototype.updateInterval = function() { var filter, newestTime, newestTimeInMinutes, newestTimeSrc; if (this.$element.findAndSelf(this.options.selector).length > 0) { if (this.options.dir === "up") { filter = ":first"; } else if (this.options.dir === "down") { filter = ":last"; } newestTimeSrc = this.$element.findAndSelf(this.options.selector).filter(filter).attr(this.options.attr); newestTime = this.parse(newestTimeSrc); newestTimeInMinutes = this.getTimeDistanceInMinutes(newestTime); if (newestTimeInMinutes >= 0 && newestTimeInMinutes <= 44 && this.startInterval !== 60000) { this.startInterval = 60000; return this.restartTimer(); } else if (newestTimeInMinutes >= 45 && newestTimeInMinutes <= 89 && this.startInterval !== 60000 * 22) { this.startInterval = 60000 * 22; return this.restartTimer(); } else if (newestTimeInMinutes >= 90 && newestTimeInMinutes <= 2519 && this.startInterval !== 60000 * 30) { this.startInterval = 60000 * 30; return this.restartTimer(); } else if (newestTimeInMinutes >= 2520 && this.startInterval !== 60000 * 60 * 12) { this.startInterval = 60000 * 60 * 12; return this.restartTimer(); } } }; TimeAgo.prototype.timeAgoInWords = function(timeString) { var absolutTime; absolutTime = this.parse(timeString); return this.distanceOfTimeInWords(absolutTime) + (this.options.lang.suffix); }; TimeAgo.prototype.parse = function(iso8601) { var timeStr; timeStr = $.trim(iso8601); timeStr = timeStr.replace(/.ddd+/, ""); timeStr = timeStr.replace(/-/, "/").replace(/-/, "/"); timeStr = timeStr.replace(/T/, " ").replace(/Z/, " UTC"); timeStr = timeStr.replace(/([+-]dd):?(dd)/, " $1$2"); return new Date(timeStr); }; TimeAgo.prototype.getTimeDistanceInMinutes = function(absolutTime) { var timeDistance; timeDistance = new Date().getTime() - absolutTime.getTime(); return Math.round((Math.abs(timeDistance) / 1000) / 60); }; TimeAgo.prototype.distanceOfTimeInWords = function(absolutTime) { var dim; dim = this.getTimeDistanceInMinutes(absolutTime); if (dim === 0) { return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.lt + " " + this.options.lang.units.minute; } else if (dim === 1) { return "1 " + this.options.lang.units.minute; } else if (dim >= 2 && dim <= 44) { return "" + dim + " " + this.options.lang.units.minutes; } else if (dim >= 45 && dim <= 89) { return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " 1 " + this.options.lang.units.hour; } else if (dim >= 90 && dim <= 1439) { return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " " + (Math.round(dim / 60)) + " " + this.options.lang.units.hours; } else if (dim >= 1440 && dim <= 2519) { return "1 " + this.options.lang.units.day; } else if (dim >= 2520 && dim <= 43199) { return "" + (Math.round(dim / 1440)) + " " + this.options.lang.units.days; } else if (dim >= 43200 && dim <= 86399) { return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " 1 " + this.options.lang.units.month; } else if (dim >= 86400 && dim <= 525599) { return "" + (Math.round(dim / 43200)) + " " + this.options.lang.units.months; } else if (dim >= 525600 && dim <= 655199) { return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " 1 " + this.options.lang.units.year; } else if (dim >= 655200 && dim <= 914399) { return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.over + " 1 " + this.options.lang.units.year; } else if (dim >= 914400 && dim <= 1051199) { return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.almost + " 2 " + this.options.lang.units.years; } else { return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " " + (Math.round(dim / 525600)) + " " + this.options.lang.units.years; } }; return TimeAgo; })(); $.fn.timeago = function(options) { if (options == null) options = {}; return this.each(function() { var $this, data; $this = $(this); data = $this.data("timeago"); if (!data) $this.data("timeago", new TimeAgo(this, options)); if (typeof options === 'string') return data[options](); }); }; $.fn.findAndSelf = function(selector) { return this.find(selector).add(this.filter(selector)); }; $.fn.timeago.Constructor = TimeAgo; $.fn.timeago.defaults = { selector: 'time.timeago', attr: 'datetime', dir: 'up', lang: { units: { second: "second", seconds: "seconds", minute: "minute", minutes: "minutes", hour: "hour", hours: "hours", day: "day", days: "days", month: "month", months: "months", year: "year", years: "years" }, prefixes: { lt: "less than a", about: "about", over: "over", almost: "almost" }, suffix: ' ago' } }; }).call(this);



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { $.timeago = function(timestamp) { if (timestamp instanceof Date) { return inWords(timestamp); } else if (typeof timestamp === "string") { return inWords($.timeago.parse(timestamp)); } else if (typeof timestamp === "number") { return inWords(new Date(timestamp)); } else { return inWords($.timeago.datetime(timestamp)); } }; var $t = $.timeago; $.extend($.timeago, { settings: { refreshMillis: 60000, allowFuture: false, localeTitle: false, cutoff: 0, strings: { prefixAgo: null, prefixFromNow: null, suffixAgo: "前", suffixFromNow: "from now", seconds: "1分鐘", minute: "1分鐘", minutes: "%d分鐘", hour: "1小時", hours: "%d小時", day: "1天", days: "%d天", month: "1月", months: "%d月", year: "1年", years: "%d年", wordSeparator: "", numbers: [] } }, inWords: function(distanceMillis) { var $l = this.settings.strings; var prefix = $l.prefixAgo; var suffix = $l.suffixAgo; if (this.settings.allowFuture) { if (distanceMillis < 0) { prefix = $l.prefixFromNow; suffix = $l.suffixFromNow; } } var seconds = Math.abs(distanceMillis) / 1000; var minutes = seconds / 60; var hours = minutes / 60; var days = hours / 24; var years = days / 365; function substitute(stringOrFunction, number) { var string = $.isFunction(stringOrFunction) ? stringOrFunction(number, distanceMillis) : stringOrFunction; var value = ($l.numbers && $l.numbers[number]) || number; return string.replace(/%d/i, value); } var words = seconds < 45 && substitute($l.seconds, Math.round(seconds)) || seconds < 90 && substitute($l.minute, 1) || minutes < 45 && substitute($l.minutes, Math.round(minutes)) || minutes < 90 && substitute($l.hour, 1) || hours < 24 && substitute($l.hours, Math.round(hours)) || hours < 42 && substitute($l.day, 1) || days < 30 && substitute($l.days, Math.round(days)) || days < 45 && substitute($l.month, 1) || days < 365 && substitute($l.months, Math.round(days / 30)) || years < 1.5 && substitute($l.year, 1) || substitute($l.years, Math.round(years)); var separator = $l.wordSeparator || ""; if ($l.wordSeparator === undefined) { separator = " "; } return $.trim([prefix, words, suffix].join(separator)); }, parse: function(iso8601) { var s = $.trim(iso8601); s = s.replace(/.d+/,""); // remove milliseconds s = s.replace(/-/,"/").replace(/-/,"/"); s = s.replace(/T/," ").replace(/Z/," UTC"); s = s.replace(/([+-]dd):?(dd)/," $1$2"); // -04:00 -> -0400 return new Date(s); }, datetime: function(elem) { var iso8601 = $t.isTime(elem) ? $(elem).attr("datetime") : $(elem).attr("title"); return $t.parse(iso8601); }, isTime: function(elem) { // jQuery's `is()` doesn't play well with HTML5 in IE return $(elem).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "time"; // $(elem).is("time"); } }); // functions that can be called via $(el).timeago('action') // init is default when no action is given // functions are called with context of a single element var functions = { init: function(){ var refresh_el = $.proxy(refresh, this); refresh_el(); var $s = $t.settings; if ($s.refreshMillis > 0) { setInterval(refresh_el, $s.refreshMillis); } }, update: function(time){ $(this).data('timeago', { datetime: $t.parse(time) }); refresh.apply(this); }, updateFromDOM: function(){ $(this).data('timeago', { datetime: $t.parse( $t.isTime(this) ? $(this).attr("datetime") : $(this).attr("title") ) }); refresh.apply(this); } }; $.fn.timeago = function(action, options) { var fn = action ? functions[action] : functions.init; if(!fn){ throw new Error("Unknown function name '"+ action +"' for timeago"); } // each over objects here and call the requested function this.each(function(){ fn.call(this, options); }); return this; }; function refresh() { var data = prepareData(this); var $s = $t.settings; if (!isNaN(data.datetime)) { if ( $s.cutoff == 0 || distance(data.datetime) < $s.cutoff) { $(this).text(inWords(data.datetime)); } } return this; } function prepareData(element) { element = $(element); if (!element.data("timeago")) { element.data("timeago", { datetime: $t.datetime(element) }); var text = $.trim(element.text()); if ($t.settings.localeTitle) { element.attr("title", element.data('timeago').datetime.toLocaleString()); } else if (text.length > 0 && !($t.isTime(element) && element.attr("title"))) { element.attr("title", text); } } return element.data("timeago"); } function inWords(date) { return $t.inWords(distance(date)); } function distance(date) { return (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()); } // fix for IE6 suckage document.createElement("abbr"); document.createElement("time"); }));


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