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* selectBox.addOption("I am dynamically added"); */    (function ( $ ) {    $.fn.editableSelect = function() { var instanceVar; //此this.each()指的就是對當前對象的遍歷,這裡的當前對象指代的就是對當前兩個下拉選擇框對象的一一遍歷 this.each(function(){ var originalSelect = $(this); //check if element is a select if(originalSelect[0].tagName.toUpperCase()==="SELECT"){ //wrap the original select在原始的<select>外圍插入<div></div>框 originalSelect.wrap($("<div/>")); var wrapper = originalSelect.parent(); wrapper.css({display: "inline-block"}); //place an input which will represent the editable select //在選擇菜單上加入input輸入框<input alt title ..... style="width:......" value=""> var inputSelect = $("<input/>").insertBefore(originalSelect); //get and remove the original id var objID = originalSelect.attr("id"); originalSelect.removeAttr("id"); //add the attributes from the original select //input輸入框的各種屬性設置 inputSelect.attr({ alt: originalSelect.attr("alt"), title: originalSelect.attr("title"), class: originalSelect.attr("class"), name: originalSelect.attr("name"), disabled: originalSelect.attr("disabled"), tabindex: originalSelect.attr("tabindex"), id: objID }); //get the editable css properties from the select var rightPadding = 15; inputSelect.css({ width: originalSelect.width()-rightPadding, height: originalSelect.height(), fontFamily: originalSelect.css("fontFamily"), fontSize: originalSelect.css("fontSize"), background: originalSelect.css("background"), paddingRight: rightPadding }); inputSelect.val(originalSelect.val()); //add the triangle at the right var triangle = $("<div/>").css({ height: 0, width: 0, borderLeft: "5px solid transparent", borderRight: "5px solid transparent",  borderTop: "7px solid #999", position: "relative", top: -(inputSelect.height()/2)-5, left: inputSelect.width()+rightPadding-10, marginBottom: "-7px", pointerEvents: "none" }).insertAfter(inputSelect); //create the selectable list that will appear when the input gets focus //聚焦的時候加上<ol><ol/>下拉框 var selectList = $("<ol/>").css({ display: "none", listStyleType: "none", width: inputSelect.outerWidth()-2, padding: 0, margin: 0, border: "solid 1px #ccc", fontFamily: inputSelect.css("fontFamily"), fontSize: inputSelect.css("fontSize"), background: "#fff", position: "absolute", zIndex: 1000000 }).insertAfter(triangle); //add options //在resourceData變量中存儲當前下拉框中的所有數據 //****** var resourceData = []; originalSelect.children().each(function(index, value){ prepareOption($(value).text(), wrapper); resourceData.push($(value).text()); }); //****** //bind the focus handler //在鼠標聚焦的時候fadeIn(100),即下拉顯示當前下拉框 inputSelect.focus(function(){ selectList.fadeIn(100); //v存儲的是在input輸入框中輸入的內容,如果輸入的內容不為空,就在存儲原始下拉框的所有數據中找到出現v中字符的數據壓入newResourceData變量中 //****** var v = inputSelect.val(); var newResourceData = []; if(v != "") { $.each(resourceData, function(i, t){ if(t.indexOf(v) != -1) newResourceData.push(t); }); } wrapper.children("ol").empty(); $.each(newResourceData, function(i, t){ prepareOption(t, wrapper); }); //****** }).blur(function(){ selectList.fadeOut(100);  }).keyup(function(e){ if(e.which==13) inputSelect.trigger("blur"); //在enter快捷鍵按下後彈起的時候執行的事件 //****** var v = inputSelect.val(); var newResourceData = []; if(v != "") { $.each(resourceData, function(i, t){ if(t.indexOf(v) != -1) newResourceData.push(t); }); } wrapper.children("ol").empty(); $.each(newResourceData, function(i, t){ prepareOption(t, wrapper); }); //****** }); //hide original element originalSelect.css({visibility: "hidden", display: "none"});    //save this instance to return it instanceVar = inputSelect }else{ //not a select return false; } });//-end each    /** public methods **/    /** * Adds an option to the editable select * @param {String} value - the options value * @returns {void} */ instanceVar.addOption = function(value){ prepareOption(value, instanceVar.parent());  };    /** * Removes a specific option from the editable select * @param {String, Number} value - the value or the index to delete * @returns {void} */ instanceVar.removeOption = function(value){ switch(typeof(value)){ case "number": instanceVar.parent().children("ol").children(":nth("+value+")").remove(); break;  case "string": instanceVar.parent().children("ol").children().each(function(index, optionValue){ if($(optionValue).text()==value){ $(optionValue).remove(); } }); break; }  };    /** * Resets the select to it's original * @returns {void} */ instanceVar.restoreSelect = function(){ var originalSelect = instanceVar.parent().children("select"); var objID = instanceVar.attr("id"); instanceVar.parent().before(originalSelect); instanceVar.parent().remove(); originalSelect.css({visibility: "visible", display: "inline-block"}); originalSelect.attr({id: objID}); };    //return the instance return instanceVar; };    /** private methods **/ //prepareOption函數的作用就是在當前下拉框中添加新選項 function prepareOption(value, wrapper){ var selectOption = $("<li>"+value+"</li>").appendTo(wrapper.children("ol")); var inputSelect = wrapper.children("input"); selectOption.css({ padding: "3px", textAlign: "left", cursor: "pointer"  }).hover( function(){ selectOption.css({backgroundColor: "#eee"}); }, function(){ selectOption.css({backgroundColor: "#fff"});  }); //bind click on this option selectOption.click(function(){ inputSelect.val(selectOption.text()); inputSelect.trigger("change"); });  }    }( jQuery ));
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