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Reflection of Two Views: “People-oriented design" & "green design”
—— Discussion with Scholars in Design Field
顧群業 王拓

關鍵詞:以人為本 設計倫理 綠色設計
Abstract: Academics should be on the following two points for reflection, and that is: the people-centered design, green design. The author of this article Thinking and draw a conclusion: “people-oriented design” is a human and nature of the paradox. The article's authors recognized that: "nature-based" logic of the design concept in the system to be able to better and more complete expression of the design must fully meet the biological characteristics. That is the natural human attributes. The author also believes that: the realization of green design should not remain on how to transform nature of the thinking level. Human beings should be rethinking their relationship with nature, and should abandon the "human center" concept. The author said: In contemporary, human should be through the use of human wisdom of the ancient Oriental philosophy, to achieve harmony with nature.
Keywords: People-oriented ethics of design green design
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