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使用em創建Media Queries模板代碼片段
文章簡介:使用em單位創建CSS3的Media QuerIEs.

本站有關於CSS3的Media Queries的相關教程有不少,說直一點,就是使用Media Queries來制作Responsiv Desgin。現在國外流行的一種設計叫Responsive Design(國內稱為響應式設計),其中這種布局關鍵之處就是不能少了Media QuerIEs的配合,早在《CSS3 Media QuerIEs模板》一文中就給大家介紹了常用的模板,但有很多評論和論壇中說使用px為單位寫響應式布局,會造成斷點,那麼今天給大家貼上一段使用“em”為單位的Media QuerIEs模板代碼片段:

/* ===== == = === 20em (320px) === = == ===== */  @media only screen and (min-width : 20em) {  }   /* ===== == = === 30em (480px) === = == ===== */  @media only screen and (min-width : 30em) {  }   /* ===== == = === 37.5em (600px) === = == ===== */  @media only screen and (min-width: 37.5em) {  }   /* ===== == = === 48em (768px) === = == ===== */  @media only screen and (min-width : 48em) {  }   /* ===== == = === 56.25em (900px) === = == ===== */  @media only screen and (min-width : 56.25em) {  }   /* ===== == = === 68.75em (1100px) === = == ===== */  @media only screen and (min-width : 68.75em) {  }   /* ===== == = === 81.25em (1300px) === = == ===== */  @media only screen and (min-width : 81.25em) {  } 

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