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JavaScript入門教程(5) js Screen屏幕對象

screen 屏幕對象 反映了當前用戶的屏幕設置。
width 返回屏幕的寬度(像素數)。
height 返回屏幕的高度。
availWidth 返回屏幕的可用寬度(除去了一些不自動隱藏的類似任務欄的東西所占用的寬度)。
availHeight 返回屏幕的可用高度。
colorDepth 返回當前顏色設置所用的位數 - 1:黑白;8:256色;16:增強色;24/32:真彩色
availHeight:minus permanent or semipermanent user interface features displayed by the operating system:such as the Taskbar on Windows.
availWidth:Specifies the width of the screen, in pixels, minus permanent or semipermanent user interface:features displayed by the operating system, such as the Taskbar on Windows.
colorDepth:The bit depth of the color palette, if one is in use; otherwise, the value is derived from screen.pixelDepth.
height:Display screen height.
pixelDepth:Display screen color resolution (bits per pixel).
width:Display screen width.

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